Face Reading

Face reading enables one to learn about a person's characteristics, personality traits and inner secrets. Face reading different part of our face represents different areas of our life.

Your face is the mirror of your personality. Statistical results have shown that there is a strong connection between facial features and personality traits.

Face Reading is an ancient spiritual-psychological system of understanding a person's character from his or her facial features. Every facial feature has corresponding psychological meanings, and your face is a physical-emotional map of who you are and where you are going.

Face Reading & Facial Features

  • Forehead Profile
  • Eye to Eyebrows Distance
  • Lip Size
  • Lip Line
  • Distance between the two eyes
  • Nose Shape and Size
  • The shape of the chin
  • Shape of eyebrows
  • The height of ears
  • Face shape
  • Ear shape
  • Ear position
  • Teeth shape
  • Face lines
  • Protruding cheek bones
  • Left & Right Sides of face
  • face proportions
  • Eye depth

For in brief details contact Mr. Ashwin Trivedi on + 91 98240 75505 or email on ashwintrivedi55@yahoo.com

Each physical structure is a clue to our innate behavior: who we are, how we relate to others and how individuals see and respond to us.

Each individual structure represents one or all of the following:

  • A Strength;
  • An Ability;
  • An Advantage;
  • A Talent;
  • A Gift or Lesson to be learned.
  • Shape of the face

The person with a long, narrow face is by nature cautious. Their self-confidence and assurance comes from having learned all of the steps. They experience self-doubt when approaching unfamiliar people and projects. If you have a long, narrow face, demand to know and then learn the steps, build your confidence and respect the self-assurance that you have earned.

The opposite face shape is called broad-shield. The width is through the eyes. This person is innately confident. They feel that they can handle anything and tend to face challenges head on. They are very direct and will often be in a leadership position.

There are no good or bad facial traits to have. Your life story is written on your face. All of your experiences, perceptions and natural abilities are there for the world to see.

For in brief detais contact Mr. Ashwin Trivedi on + 91 98240 75505 or email on ashwintrivedi55@yahoo.com

Facial shape

  • Round Face
  • Oblong Face
  • Triangular Face
  • Square Face
  • Rectangular Face
  • Oval Face

For in brief details contact Mr. Ashwin Trivedi on + 91 98240 75505 or email on ashwintrivedi55@yahoo.com


  • Blonde Hair
  • Black Hair
  • Brown Hair
  • Dark brown Hair
  • Red Hair
  • Dark red Hair
  • Bright red Hair
  • Pale red Hair

For in brief details contact Mr. Ashwin Trivedi on + 91 98240 75505 or email on ashwintrivedi55@yahoo.com


  • Small Ears
  • Big Ears
  • Ears with detached Earlobes

For in brief details contact Mr. Ashwin Trivedi on + 91 98240 75505 or email on ashwintrivedi55@yahoo.com


A high brow reveal aptitude for study. These people are very diligent and trained. They reach success.

A low and wide forehead shows a intuitive nature, endowed with natural skill and imagination. These people have a lot of spontaneity and often by their spirit will shine. They are more interested on impressions than the knowledge gained through study.

A little wide and high forehead well shaped eyebrows is the most desirable. It denotes prospect of permanent success.

A square forehead shows honesty, sincerity. Straight eyebrows increase these qualities. Loosing forehead shows lack of intelligence.

Forehead with deep lines (wrinkles) it reveals those who indulge in contemplation and research. Head without lines show cold, selfishness, lack of empathy and sarcasm. Vertical lines (wrinkles) between the eyes shows the power of concentration.

Foreheads Types

There are three types of forehead profiles when viewed from the side view the sloped, the straight and the round.

The straight forehead (The progressive thinker): This person follows a progressive style in his thinking; he can't jump to the third point without first knowing the second. Sometimes he is misunderstood as a child and thought of as dumb, but in fact he may be very intelligent. It's just his progressive style of thinking that needs to be taken into consideration. This person may not have a fast reflex action for example if he dropped something he may not be able to catch it before it reaches the ground. He may have problems working under pressure as he needs more time to think progressively and as result he may lose control in the last ten minutes of exams.

The slopped forehead (The fast responder): That person builds conclusions fast to the extent that he may interrupt you many times while you are talking because he keeps on guessing what are you about to say. This person may get bored when talking to someone with a straight forehead because of the speed difference between them. The response of such a person is very fast and that's why you will find most skilled football and basket ball players with slopped foreheads. You're also most likely to notice how players with straight foreheads aren't that good because of their slow responses and again I repeat this is not related to intelligence at all. One final thing about such people is that they are fast decision-makers which may cause them many problems. The curved forehead (The creative): This person is very creative, just notice how the forehead of those who study fine arts looks like and you will notice how most of them have curved foreheads. That person hates restrictions and rules, he likes to use his imagination and would probably hate math and accounting but excel in arts. When the forehead is curved and in the same time occupies a big section of the head then this means that this person is very intelligent or even a genius. You'd be safe asking that person for help if you are in need of a creative solution to any problem you're facing.

Face reading can help you determine many of the personality traits people have by just taking a look at their faces.

For in brief details contact Mr. Ashwin Trivedi on + 91 98240 75505 or email on ashwintrivedi55@yahoo.com


  • Brown eyes
  • Black eyes
  • Hazel eyes
  • Blue eyes
  • Green eyes
  • Gray eyes

For in brief detais contact Mr. Ashwin Trivedi on + 91 98240 75505 or email on ashwintrivedi55@yahoo.com


    A perfect nose is one whose length is equal to the width of the forehead, and at the end has a width equal to the length of the eye.

    • Aquiline nose
    • Straight nose
    • Nose pointing up high and slightly curved
    • Snub nose
    • Curved nose